Managing short flight disruptions the easy way lets airlines easily manage passengers when short flight disruptions occur, through a web-based platform able to issue digital refreshment vouchers and delivered instantly in the passenger’s mobile device.
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Why Choose Bakuun Airline Solution

Easy Redemption

We create QR codes on digital vouchers which can be spent across qualified shop.

Time & Cost Saver

We automate the workflow to help save costs in administration fees and reduce errors.

Miles Reconciliation

We make it possible for passengers to collect miles from the airlines after spending the digital voucher.

Instant Confirmation

We send instant confirmation directly to passengers, without downloading an application.

Payment System

We provide a payment management system which reconciles the accounting automatically.

Passenger Satisfaction

We ensure customer happiness with reduced waiting times and allowing convenience across touchpoints.

How Bakuun Airline Solution Works

Join us

Register and receive instant confirmation. It will only take a few minutes to join our network.

Set-up Profile

Create your account to get started. Then, define your business rules and upload passenger lists.

Issue Voucher

Passengers receive and spend digital vouchers through QR code to be used in qualified shops in the airport.

How Bakuun Airline Solution Works

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Make smart decisions with Bakuun today
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